Celebrated during the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November), Diwali is the “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance”, even as different parts of India celebrate it in the belief of numerous legends. The most commonly accepted legend, particularly in North India, is the homecoming of Lord Rama along with wife Sita, brother Lakshman, and Hanuman, to Ayodhya after he rose victorious over Ravana.

During the festival of lights, devotees worship Goddess Lakshmi, and since no celebration is deemed concluded without invoking Lord Ganesha, both of them are worshipped side by side. The puja is followed by the distribution of sweets and gifts among relatives, neighbors, and friends.

Houses are adorned with new goods, thus making shopping a must-do affair before Diwali. Online stores and shopping malls come up with Diwali offers and these are deals not to be missed! Jewelry, crockery, home decor, etc. get a makeover during this festive season as people also buy gifts for friends and families.

Streets glow up with spectacular lightings, all around you’ll see decorations of garlands, rangolis, and candles. Sparklers and an assortment of crackers are burst, adding to the illuminated environment during Amavasya (new moon). Such is the enthusiasm in the air!

Learners of Cambridge International DAVPS celebrated diwali by taking pledge to celebrate it as a green diwali by creating crafts from waste materials, making own candles by reusing waste plastics and making tasty sweets. Students celebrated it with great enthusiasm . 
